Save Our Animal Rescues (SOAR)

To provide financial assistance to all species of animals in need of life-saving medical or surgical care who otherwise would be euthanized.

Save Our Animal Rescues (SOAR) was formed to help animals in acute need of critical medical or surgical care. We seek to primarily help those animals in rescue situations but also those belonging to individuals who prove financial need.


SOAR was founded in August 2011 with the sole purpose of providing needed medical funds for critically injured or abused animals.  We work within the local community and pay veterinary bills that will bring an animal back to full wellness.   We deal directly with veterinarians who refer low-income applicants to us and the local rescue organizations that need our help.  SOAR pays for the medical services directly to the veterinarian.  No funds are provided to the applicants or rescue organizations.  SOAR relies totally on donations and fundraising events to fund our efforts.  As of early 2017, we have paid 126 animals to receive life saving veterinary care.   We expect this need to continue to rise exponentially.


Our Mission Statement states, “To provide financial assistance to all species of animals in need of life-saving medical or surgical care that otherwise would be euthanized.  This mission will be accomplished by 1) fundraising 2) education of the community about available resources for animal wellness and 3) cooperation with local animal rescue organizations, veterinarians, and other care providers.  The success of the organization will be measured by the reduction of animals euthanized due to lack of medical funding.”


Please consider making a donation to SOAR this year.

We are a recognized 501(c)(3) organization therefore your contribution to SOAR is tax deductible.

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